Lynne Zickerman Olson
Painting and Drawing - Mixed and Multiple Media
Artist's Statement
Making art has always been second nature to me. I played with materials from an early age, two or three? I credit my mother with providing free access to art materials when I was a child. I am glad she did! Making mud pies and sand castles at the beach, coloring and drawing, cutting things out -- like a horse drawn cart in Central Park – all were immediate possibilities for me, without thinking about it, just doing it. I could always be “in the view,” and observing my surroundings today is as transporting and magical as it was then. I can sit and look at the ocean, pelicans, any natural event and be right there in the moment. I can listen to people's stories and be there while I visualize their descriptions in my mind. My own experiences loom before me in visual memories. My art reflects a love for drawing from both natural reality and imagination. My subjects vary, come from different sources, and deliver surprises of their own. Dreaming, which acts as a bridge between nature and imagination, often provides an entry into the artmaking process. Over the decades as a fine artist and K-College art educator, my career continues to evolve. My art has always been a parallel reality for me and pieces become markers in time, reminding me of Resonant Moments at significant times in my life. LZO |